Upcoming Appearances!
I can’t believe it’s almost spring already!
And by that, I mean, I can’t believe winter isn’t over yet and it’s not spring already!! But seriously, I am looking forward to more than just the better weather this spring. I have a number of author appearances I’d like to share:
Mar. 17 – Central Ohio Fiction Writers
I’ll be in the Columbus, Ohio area on Saturday, March 17th presenting to the COFW on Crafting Historical Heroines. Most RWA chapters allow non-members to attend one or two meetings before joining. If you are an Ohio writer, come on out! Complete details are HERE.
Apr. 14 – BGSU Researching the Romance Conference & Booksigning
The Browne Pop Culture Library at Bowling Green State University is hosting a conference that will combine authors, publishing professionals, and academics to discuss the romance genre and Friday and Saturday, April 13th and 14th. Saturday’s events will be at the Wood County Public Library and open to the public. Several local authors will be signing books in the afternoon, followed by a presentation and booksigning for keynote speaker Beverly Jenkins. Find more information HERE.
April 21 – Chicago Spring Fling Conference & Booksigning
If you are in the Chicago area, come out and see me and a slew of other romance authors at the Chicago Spring Fling booksigning. It’s open to the public. We’ll be in the Spring Room at the Oakbrook Doubletree from 3:30pm to 5:00pm. See the full list of attending authors HERE.
May 16-20 – RT Booklover’s Convention
This year’s BookCon for romance writers and readers is in Reno, Nevada and I’m thrilled to be a nominee for an RT Reviewer’s Choice Award. Come find me at Kensington’s Sparkling Stars of Romance Party, the Award Ceremony, or the Giant Book Fair. I’ll have exclusive RT swag to giveaway! Find all the details HERE.